The Key to Success as a Small Business… Managing Your Finances

When it comes to running your business, 财务管理是实现你的商业目标的不可谈判的方面. 资金的规划和使用对企业的发展至关重要.



1. Forecasting:

为了感觉(和)在你的企业的财务控制, 为所有可能的业务场景——最好的情况——做计划是必要的, likely and worst case. It’s important to always be one step ahead.

你计算过达到目标所需的最低销售额吗? 在你的预测过程中,你需要知道这些数字,这样你就可以为企业的发展方向建立一个清晰的路径.

Likewise, know your cost structure. 费用不随澳门官方赌场线性增长,因此在不同的规模点, 当你想要成长的时候,你可能会暂时变得更糟,甚至完全没有防备. e.g. Do you need another machine to continue to grow income?


扩展业务通常是许多企业努力的目标,因为它可以使您的业务快速增长. 然而,如果不了解实现这一目标所需的扎实的财务管理流程,可能会比许多企业意识到的更加沉重.

2. Debtor management

Does your see-sawing cash flow ever keep you up at night? 那么请放心,有办法解决这个问题——开始管理你的债务人.

Consider the following ways you can do this, 同时记住与客户保持开放的沟通渠道

  • Shorten collection periods
  • Make sure payment terms are clear
  • Put in place easy-to-integrate processes for follow up
  • Maintain clear credit limits

These are all important to limit your exposure.

Take for example, a client owing you $60,000 – or two months worth of a good sized construction project. You do not want to let this debt get out of hand, as a liquidation of this debtor can cripple a small business.

3. Financing – Principal Vs Interest

Most business start ups require new financing.  An interest only loan may be acquired to promote cash flow. 这对创业初期非常有帮助,因为它促进了现金流.  Don’t fall into the trap of using this in your budgeting though.- Budget for principal payments, and higher interest rates. Interest rates are at an all time low at the moment, 但考虑到现金流预期的显著增长(2-3%),将有助于确定这笔贷款在未来是否可以使用.

4. Employees

你的员工是你业务的主要资源,工资和薪金将是最高的持续运营成本. 在过去的12个月里,媒体头条上出现了许多工资和欠薪丑闻. So, if you’re in doubt, 寻求外部帮助来确定正确的工资率,这样你就可以确保自己不上头条了.

了解员工的法定费率和每位员工的总体成本至关重要. 税务局现在要求企业使用单触式工资单. In most instances, this requires payroll software, such as Xero. 和你的澳门赌场官网/商业顾问谈谈,设置一个易于使用的软件和必要的培训,让你开始.

 5. Tax

纳税可能不是你待办事项清单上最受欢迎的一项,我们明白这一点. Remember, though – you only pay tax when you make profits!

You need to factor in, and plan for:

  • GST
  • Pay-as-you-go withholding for employees
  • Income tax on profits

退休金是企业的另一项不可选择的成本. The ATO compliance in the super guarantee space is increasing, and with single touch payroll now mandatory, there is no excuse for not paying your super by the due date.


  • 及时保持准确的记录-你可以看到你的业务在哪里, at any stage of the cycle
  • Talk to others in similar small businesses,
  • Join, 或者创建一个网络小组——小企业主独自工作时常常感到孤立, share your problems and seek help.
  • Utilise the services of a Good Accountant/Business Advisor. Make sure they help you stay compliant with the laws, 掌握你的现金流和计划——这样你就可以从你的生意中获得回报,实现你为未来计划的所有令人兴奋的目标.

When it comes to the financials in your business, 你觉得你在他们之上,就像你需要的那样,把你的生意带到下一个层次吗? If not, we can help. 我们可以一步一步地指导你,以确保你正确地管理你的财务. Please reach out to your local Accru advisor.

About the Author
菲奥娜·艾特尔斯, Accru Hobart
菲奥娜热衷于告知客户他们的财务状况,并让他们放心, be it in regard to the value of their businesses, or their tax returns. She enjoys working with clients to understand their problems, consider solutions and implement plans to better their lives, whether this be in the short or long term.
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