Getting even more out of the cloud

The benefits of cloud 澳门赌场官网 software like Xero, MYOB or Reckon are well known. But did you know you can also seamlessly manage other aspects of your business with some simple software add-ons?

Many businesses are now using cloud-based software systems because of their flexibility, real-time reporting and convenience.

To get even more from these great tools, think about what information and reporting you would benefit from in order to run your business better. If you’re a restaurant, that might meanm knowing the gross profit margin of each menu item. 如果你有员工在路上, you’ll want to know where there is down-time, so you can allocate jobs more efficiently. If you run a sales team, you’ll want to track their performance.It’s the add-ons to cloud 澳门赌场官网 software that can really automate these types of business functions.

Top 澳门赌场官网 software add-ons for small business

Once you have identified your needs, it should be easy to find the best software solution if your current 澳门赌场官网 package doesn’t have what you need. Here are a few of our favourites which are all compatible with Xero.

  • WorkflowMax is great for keeping track of things, helping you manage projects and jobs. Our fencing client loves the job-costing and has a good handle on where profit is made or lost, as well as what materials they need. Other businesses are able to time-track better, 更有效地报价, have better CRM and know how they’re tracking against quotes. This is one of the most powerful add-ons we know for making a difference to our clients’ businesses.
  •  If you’re spending a lot of time on employee rostering, this add-on can schedule and reallocate shifts with just one click. It’s great for staff communication because you can share messages, assign tasks and even reward employees. Our electrical contracting client uses it to schedule electricians in the field, and it even feeds into your payroll system.
  • ReceiptBank Anyone who wants to be paperless would benefit from ReceiptBank, as it gives you online storage of receipts and invoices. You simply take a photo of your receipt or document using your tablet or phone and publish to the cloud. But the real time-saving comes from extracting the data in those receipts and invoices. At a click of a button you can extract information that would take your bookkeeper hours.
  • Kounta零售 and hospitality businesses benefit hugely from this Point of Sale (POS) system. It’s ideal for the checkout process, 处理付款, 存储管理, 多站点管理, managing multiple products and inventory, 甚至是CRM. Working out the gross profit of a plate of food has never been easier!
  • Crunchboards 提供实时报告, accessed from your 澳门赌场官网 software, 哪些可以用于预算, data comparison and KPI measurement. Our clients also use it to track the performance of non-financial data, making their planning and forecasting much easier.

These are just some of the powerful software add-ons that your business can benefit from, 不管你在不在Xero.

Accru has helped many clients automate their businesses. 澳门官方赌场 if you’d like advice on tools that may suit your needs.

Ainsley has a logical brain and likes things to balance. Coupled with a natural ability for maths (first evident early in school reports!) a career in 澳门赌场官网 was always likely.
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