
超过25个,新冠肺炎确诊病例1万例, the p和emic has highlighted the fact that we never know when our time is up. It has never been more important than it is now to get your ‘ducks in a row’ to ease pressure on yourself, 还有你的家人, 如果一个企业主过世了.

为未来做计划总是至关重要的. 在下面的示例中,您将看到原因的细节.

约翰55岁了. 他已婚,有两个成年子女, 拥有一家财务规划公司, 和 he is looking to grow his net wealth over the next five years in order to reduce his 工作ing hours 和 enjoy the wealth that he has deservedly earned. 最终,他将把生意移交给他的家人.

As a financial planner, John knows all about income protection 和 other insurances. He knows how to protect himself 还有他的家人 if the worst happens. 然而, 从作为职场领导者的角度来看, 顾问和导师, 约翰也需要保护他的生意, 员工, clients 和 his enduring legacy in the event he was to suddenly pass away or become incapacitated.

约翰的家人不是财务规划师, his children are still at university 和 have not run a business before. They will also undoubtedly be under significant stress at such a difficult time. Therefore it is imperative that John has appropriate 澳门赌场官网 supports. It would never be too soon for John to have the necessary discussions with his accountant to facilitate mapping out a proactive approach to his exit strategy, 和, 以防他意外去世, 他的遗产经久不衰. 在COVID-19时代,这些步骤可能更加重要.

The hard to have discussions regarding death 和 taxes is far too easy to delay 和 too easy to skim over lightly. 然而, 一个会问相关问题的澳门赌场官网, 约翰将能够实施适当的内部战略. These will help to minimise potential family burdens 和 obtain the best outcomes for his 员工 和 clients in the event of his passing.

Following are the most relevant questions to be asked if John was to suddenly die:

  • 谁来临时经营约翰的生意?
    Building an internal support team who share key managerial tasks which facilitate in the day to day business operations is imperative. The team would most likely be inclusive of John’s 工作 managers 和 potentially his sons, who will have benefit greatly in facilitating in a temporary capacity. 在理想的情况下, 约翰会围绕这些关键人物来经营他的生意, 确保围绕关键客户建立合适的团队. Exploring who may assume temporary control of the business also identifies crucial team members, who may also be offered the opportunity to discuss the potential of buying equity in the business.
  • 谁将负责客户关系的转变?
    约翰所有认识客户的员工, 比如一个友好的接待员, 副策划者或助手, 能在业务交接中产生很大的不同吗. 考虑在此期间如何支持他们, 还要提前做好准备, so that the best outcome is achieved for all 和 with as little stress as possible? Key staff should be made aware that their expertise 和 training will critical in any event, 和 steps should be in place to ensure initial consistency 和 continuance with the business administration (such as in areas like wages) so these qualified people can continue servicing your clients in your absence.
  • 谁掌握业务和结构的重要细节?
    John will need his accountant, as his trusted adviser, to have an entity map 和 key information. 这很重要, 因为这些将需要与他的遗产律师会面, 还有他的家人, in consideration that the most tax-effective ways to strip cash from a corporate structure can save issues down the track. 作为临时措施, 澳门赌场官网, 与公司的支持资源, may take on temporary responsibilities such as business administration, 完成采油作业, 准备付款, 这一切都是为了确保业务的连续性.
  • 谁将帮助他的家人?
    能解释整个过程的人, 可能的时间框架和结果, 带他们走过旅途的每一步, 会是家庭的好顾问吗. 企业主经常发现聘请外部顾问很有用, 比如律师, 或者是对公司没有感情的人, 成为关键人物. 这个人可能会在谈判中扮演“坏警察”的角色. Typically this will free up 澳门赌场官网 to focus on meeting compliance requirements 和 assisting in facilitating estate requests.
  • 出售或转让所有权将如何发生?
    A good first step is for John to be able to meet with his accountant to discuss the process for 和 documentation of estate contracts, 以及这方面的候选名单. This way, John can have some comfort from the effort of those who will be helping his family. There are steps John can take now to have a 工作ing document for a future sale: an Information Memor和um that needs updating is still better than an Information Memor和um that is empty. 视情况和客户基础而定, John’s business could then be marketed to a broker who could efficiently execute the transaction. 这可能是一个漫长的过程. 没有适当的支持, 完成尽职调查可能需要12个月以上的时间, 就条款表达成一致并达成和解.  

作为约翰信任的新澳门赌场官网和顾问, 通过促进围绕上述所有内容的讨论, the support team at Accru will be able to provide for him a level of comfort through the fact that his future 和 the future of his family are being protected.

Should you have any questions or need to speak with an Accru advisor, please 澳门赌场官网 你当地的办事处.

Marcus Johnson , Accru霍巴特
Marcus has been 工作ing with owners of small-to-medium sized businesses for the past 10 years 和 thoroughly enjoys playing an active role in helping to build client relationships whether it be through proactive tax planning measures or merely acting as a sounding board.
建立一个成功的公司? 想把你的业务国际化? 更好地管理你的现金流? 买房? 还是需要审计?
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