Australian Financial Reporting Quick Guide

Financial Reporting is a vital part of corporate governance. 它向管理层提供有关组织财务绩效的可靠信息, shareholders, investors, consumers, and regulators.


What should a complete set of financial reports include?

  • Director’s Report
  • Audit Committee Report and Remuneration Report (Listed entity)
  • 损益及其他综合收益表(单独披露或合并披露)
  • Statement of financial position
  • Statement of changes in equity
  • Statement of cash flows
  • Notes to the financial statements
  • Directors declaration about the statement and the notes
  • Auditor Independence Declaration
  • Auditor’s Report.

What are the types of financial reports?

  • 通用财务报告或第1级(根据AASB的分级报告)
  • 通用目的财务报告-简化披露制度(RDR)或第2层(与国际财务报告准则对中小企业报告的类似方法)
  • 特殊目的财务报告-遵守强制性澳门赌场官网准则-
  • Other Agreed Upon Financial Report – not lodged with ASIC.

Who is required to prepare financial reports?

澳门赌场官网证券和投资委员会(ASIC)是澳门赌场官网的公司, financial markets and financial services regulator. 根据《2001年澳门赌场官网公司法》,在澳门赌场官网经营的公司必须准备并向ASIC提交财务报告,如果它们是:

  • Disclosing entities e.g. listed entities
  • Public companies e.g. companies limited by guarantee
  • Large proprietary companies
  • Registered schemes.

A proprietary company is defined as large where two of the following conditions are met:

  • Consolidated revenue for the year > $25m
  • Consolidated gross assets at the end of the year > $12.5m
  • Employee at the end of the financial year > 50 (full time equivalent).

For small proprietary companies (即不像上文定义的那样大),除非:

  • 拥有至少5%投票权的股东以书面形式指示公司这样做
  • ASIC directs the company to prepare
  • 该公司由一家外国公司控制,并没有合并到提交给ASIC的财务报表中.


According to ASIC’s RG 85 reporting requirements, 用于确定实体是否为报告实体的主要因素包括其经济或政治影响力, financial characteristics and size. However, 至于该实体是否为报告实体,最终取决于公司董事, not the auditor.

根据公共部门澳门赌场官网准则委员会(PSASB), 在什么情况下,期望利益相关者依赖财务报告来决定稀缺资源的分配是合理的, 报告主体必须编制符合所有澳门赌场官网准则的通用财务报告, 而非报告实体可以编制特殊目的财务报告.

Mandatory Accounting Standards

Regardless of whether an entity is reporting or non-reporting, 编制财务报告必须遵循下列准则:

  • AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements
  • AASB 107 Cash Flow Statements
  • 澳门赌场官网政策、澳门赌场官网估计变更和错误
  • AASB 1048 Interpretation and Application of Standards
  • AASB 1054 Australian Additional Disclosures

If special purpose financial reports are prepared, 它们必须至少符合上述规定,并对实体的财务状况和业绩提出真实和公平的看法.

Different ‘Tiers’ of financial reporting requirements


  • Tier 1 包括对公众负责的营利性私营部门实体和联邦政府, State, Territory and Local Governments. 他们必须使用AASB采用的全套国际财务报告准则编制通用目的财务报告.
  • Tier 2 包括没有公共责任的营利性私营部门实体, not-for-profit private sector entities, all other public sector entities. 他们可以准备通用财务报告或使用减少披露要求(RDR)。.

Significant Global Entities (SGEs)

A Significant Global Entity is defined as either:

  • The global parent entity with annual global income >$1 billion AUD or;
  • A subsidiary of a group with consolidated annual global income > $1 billion AUD.

From 1 July 2016, 在以下情况下,SGEs的非报告实体将需要准备通用财务报告并向ASIC和ATO提交:

  • 在该澳门官方赌场年度构成“重要全球实体”一部分的公司税实体
  • 澳门赌场官网居民或经营澳门赌场官网常设机构的外国居民(根据ITAA 1936年Pt IVA)
  • 他们尚未在《澳门官方赌场》第s319(3)条规定的时间框架内向ASIC提交通用财务报告.

Benefits of financial reporting

除了满足本快速指南中概述的遵从性义务之外, there are many other benefits of financial reporting.

In Sydney, Accru Felsers specialises in audited financial reports for German-speaking businesses, international hotels & 其他国际组织、非营利组织和金融服务组织. Our clients typically perform above industry benchmarks. Please contact us for a confidential discussion about your audit and financial reporting needs.

About the Author
Vindran Vengadasalam
Vindran started his career in Singapore, 毕业后,他在一家澳门官方赌场从事审计服务工作了六年. 他于2006年6月加入Accru Felsers,并在公司工作12年后晋升为合伙人.
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